News And Resources

online lead sources for realtors

Online Lead Sources

In my previous post I discussed the importance of developing a list of lead sources. In this post I would like to explain the first lead source that I recommend to our realtors. First on our simple list from the previous post was online leads, and if you haven’t seen the post proceeding this one, […]
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The Top 3 Best Lead Sources

In the opening of this video series, I discussed the importance of CRM. CRM stands for customer relationship management. It’s the bedrock and the start of somebody’s career. We know that it is so important that we actually provide it for free to every one of the agents who work here in our office. I […]
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Introduction to CRM

When we’re coaching realtors at our firm, we often talk about CRM. For those unfamiliar with the term, one of their first questions is what is a CRM? CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, a crucial concept in all sales, and certainly crucial in real estate sales. You’ve got long-term client relationships and you need […]
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